ImportWorx Media Sponsorship Application Form

Professional Car Care Products for Automotive Enthusiasts by Automotive Enthusiasts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Media Sponsorship is our exclusive program and a way to connect with artists and creatives in the industry. It is open to photographers, videographers, influencers and many others.

As an ImportWorx Media team member you will receive a personalized discount code and referral link. You will get discounted rates on select packages with marketing material only available to media ambassadors.

If your submissions meet our requirements and have a professional look they may be featured on our social medias and website. This is a great opportunity to showcase your work and pick up a few extra clients or followers.

Yes, we ask that you please include the names of all featured vehicles/models during the submission process.

We reserve the right to modify, edit or rearrange any submissions. This may be done to fit the theme of our social media or to create promotional material.

To submit media for review please upload the photos/videos to a drive and link us using the Submission Form. Emailing us the link to may also help speed up the process.